Unable to make the session state request to the session state server ASP.NET state server hatası çözümü

Unable to make the session state request to the session state server
[HttpException (0x8007274c): Unable to make the session state request to the session state server. Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by checking the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection.]
System.Web.SessionState.OutOfProcStateClientManager.MakeRequest(StateProtocolVerb verb, String id, StateProtocolExclusive exclusiveAccess, Int32 timeout, Int32 lockCookie, Byte[] buf, Int32 cb, Int32 networkTimeout, SessionNDMakeRequestResults& results) +512
System.Web.SessionState.OutOfProcStateClientManager.SetAsyncWorker(String id, SessionStateItem item, Byte[] buf, Int32 length, Boolean inStorage) +57
System.Web.SessionState.OutOfProcStateClientManager.System.Web.SessionState.IStateClientManager.Set(String id, SessionStateItem item, Boolean inStorage) +142
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.OnReleaseState(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) +465
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule.OnEndRequest(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) +43
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication+IExecutionStep.Execute() +60
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +87


asp.net projenizde benzeri bir hata ile karşılaşıyor iseniz muhtemelen sunucunuzda ASP.NET State Servisce kapalıdır.
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  1 comment for “Unable to make the session state request to the session state server ASP.NET state server hatası çözümü

  1. 5 Mayıs 2017 at 01:54

    Hakikaten çok güzel anlatmışınız. Ne zamandır aradığım bir konu idi çok makbule geçti teşekkürler. 🙂

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